A doctor did a unique surgical strike!

- No border of country or enmity, religion or hatred can stop humanity!

- O very deep sea, nav bhi tooti hui,

Do not lower your heart when you have a chance with the sides.

In February 2019, India carried out a surgical strike on Pakistan's terror camps, that incident has become history today. Late at night, Mirage aircraft of the Indian Air Force bombed terrorist camps in Balakot, Chakoti and Muzaffarabad, killing more than buses of terrorists. There was a huge meteoric rise in Pakistan for this revenge, which was carried out in just twelve days after the Pulwama terror attack in Pakistan, but today we have to talk about another surgical strike.

Surgical strike means 'sudden attack' or 'surprise attack on a target'. These surgical strikes are done by army commandos, while there are commandos in India who know how to conduct surgical strikes in another way. His strike is also unique. Whenever and wherever needed. They carry out surgical strikes on humanity without being bound by any caste or national borders. Compassion, compassion and kindness are the hallmarks of Indian culture and let us know the touching incident of a surgical strike.

A military surgical strike involves violence, while this surgical strike calls for non-violence. The incident of this surgical strike is that a Pakistani girl got a new life thanks to Indian doctors. When her family had lost all hope for her, the talented doctors of India came to her rescue and revived the girl. That girl was Afsheen Gul, a resident of Pakistan's Singh region. It was very small. Then his sister slipped from his lap while playing with him and his neck was completely twisted. Bent means bent ninety degrees. Afsheen Gul, the youngest daughter among seven siblings, was immediately taken to the doctor. The doctor gave him medicine and put a strap around his neck to support his dock, but as the days went by, his condition became more and more serious. She could not walk or speak. His mother had to help him in all matters of daily routine. Afshin had to sit at home when he had to play sports in the courtyard and go to school with his office. As he had a large family of nine members, it was not possible to get Afshin expensive treatment in a big city, but he received a wide sympathy based on the media's reports on Afshin's condition. An American organization raised a financial fund for him. With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, his family approached a hospital in Karachi for an operation. After going there and taking advice, it was said that if surgery is done on Afsheen Gul, it is such a serious and dangerous surgery that there was only a fifty percent chance of her survival.

While Halla was wrestling in Afshin's house, his father died of cancer. Mata Jamilan had to go to do domestic work and her family had to live helplessly and forcedly with very little income. At this time, his 52-year-old mother Jamilan and 27-year-old elder brother Mohammad Yakub Kumbar were helping him in his daily routine. She had to depend on others to dress herself and even to go to the toilet she needed someone's help.

The family was desperately trying to survive on Jamilan's salary of six thousand rupees a year and support nine members. Innocent Gul suffered from cerebral palsy, along with the crushing pain of a weak shoulder for twelve years. Afsheen Gul was constantly fighting against these problems, but she did not give up on life. She would face the constant struggle with a smile on her face. It was difficult for him to eat or walk independently. She was unable to do housework or go to school, but Afshin's positive attitude and the love of the people around her became her life force.

Afsheen Gul was living a very difficult life as her neck was bent at ninety degrees. His family had lost all hope. In such a case, Dr. from India who crossed the Pakistani border. Rajagopalan Krishnan came with a new dawn of hope and joy in Afshin's life. This Dr. Krishnan studied in America and worked at NHS for fifteen years before returning to India. worked for He was able to successfully perform surgery on the most complex spine problems and they heard Afshin Gul's story and humanitarian pleas for help.

Earlier in 2016 Dr. Krishnan operated on twelve-year-old Mahendra Ahirwar. This Mahendra's neck was hanging at an angle of 180 degrees since childhood. A documentary film was also made on the successful surgery performed by the doctor. 'The Boy Who Sees Upside Down'. Afshin's brother Yakub saw the documentary and contacted the doctor. They were sure that they would be able to improve his quality of life, but the question was that if more time passed for this, Afshin's chances of recovery with any surgery would decrease.

Last year, he communicated with the family and expressed his willingness to offer his services free of cost. After seeing it Dr. Krishnan felt, 'Had she not been treated, she would have died in no time.' For the doctor, this was the most challenging case of his career. Perhaps this was the first such case in the world. Afsheen stayed in Delhi for four months for her treatment. He had to have helogravity traction put on in early December to help keep his neck straight for a while.

The surgery was only possible if his neck straightened a bit and the doctor and his colleagues fused his skull to the spinal cord during a six-hour operation. His main aim was to relieve the compression on Afshin's spine and he finally succeeded. After removing the disc from the neck and using rods and screws to keep it straight, the skull was aligned with the cervical spine and Afshin's face returned to a smile and slowly started talking.

Afsheen underwent two major surgeries before major neck surgery. After that another major operation was done and as a result Afsheen is smiling and talking today and the doctor is still hoping to make her smile and play. Afshin's brother Yakub said, 'Dr. Krishna treated our sister free of cost, he saved our sister's life. For us it is like God.' Dr. Krishnan's surgical strike proved that humanity has no boundaries. There is no country, religion, race or caste in it.

Today this Indian doctor Dr. Krishnan has become equally revered in Pakistan. Most especially, a very poor family who could barely afford to eat, got such divine help that the impossible became possible. The sad life of Afsheen's mother Jamilan, who lives in the Singh region, radiates hope and at the same time feels the sky of human love. Let's conclude with the lines of Chitra Bhanuji, who spread values ​​in the country and abroad.

'Holy fountain of friendship,

Let my heart flow,

Good luck to this successful world

May such a spirit always be there.

Deen Qur'an is irreligious,

Seeing the pain in the heart,

From Karunabhi's eyes

Flow the auspicious fountain of tears.'


A powerful antidote to shock

Ramanlal came to visit for the first time after starting Naviswi doctorate. There was great joy in the beginning. The patient reached home. He asked many questions about his health. Despite a long examination, the cause of the patient's illness was not found. They could not find even a faint trace of what illness he might have suffered.

Dr. Ramanlal was deep in thought. came out of the patient's house. After him came the elder brother of the patient. He worriedly asked, 'Doctor sir, what illness has my younger brother got.'

The doctor did not know what to answer, so he looked at the sky. As it was night, the stars were shining in the sky.

Dr. Ramanlal said with the confident air of having caught an illness, 'Whatever the illness may be, your brother does not have aurora borealis.'

It occurred to the elder brother, 'Hah, his younger brother has survived some serious illness.' He said, 'Oh God, give me your lot. Hearing the diagnosis of this doctor, all the burden of my mind was removed.'

We remember this because there is a road accident, or a railway accident, but the shock lasts only for a short time! When such an incident occurs, the person responsible is immediately suspended or the company is blacklisted. An inquiry committee is immediately appointed and within a few days the shock of the incident fades away. The way Doctor Ramanbhai made a wonderful diagnosis of the disease and relieved the entire burden on his mind.

There is no time when the culprits of the tragedy will be punished. The inquiry committee takes action on it, but there is an inordinate delay in reporting the results. Finally comes the massive report of the inquiry committee, which runs into thousands of pages. It is debated in Parliament, face-to-face arguments and accusations are made, and then the recommendations of the inquiry committee are shelved.

Several committees were appointed in the matter of railway accidents and for other reasons. Sikri Committee, Kakodkar Committee, Khanna Committee who knows how many committee reports are with the railway system but no special action is taken on them. No attempt is made to remove the root cause of the accident and when such an accident occurs again after some time, the same cycle of committee, report, discussion and talk is done.


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