Babban Bilada launches 'Operation Encounter' to control rats infesting forest

- You have eighteen bends-octagons

- Maharaja Singh formed the 'Rat Extermination Prevention Department' as the menace of rats increased in the forest. Ever since Babban Bilada was appointed as its head, the entire rat society fell asleep

Babban Bilado was considered a strict government official. His name was among the trusted officers of Maharaja Singh. Babban Bilada as the head of the traffic department had flooded the coffers of Singh by earning handsomely. Babban was very fond of issuing traffic fines in any way by intimidating the jungle dwellers. Maharaja Singh did not replace it for years, but rats ravaged the temples and gnawed away at many of the temple's belongings, infuriating Maharaja Singh.

Originally, Singh was a devoted king. If someone disturbs the jungle dwellers, they would still drive them away, but their image could be greatly affected by the rats torturing them in such a way in the temples. This was not to the liking of Maharaja Singh's devotee Shiromani supporters. Votebank was in danger of collapsing. He eventually transferred Babban Bilada from the Malaidar section with a promotion to control the rats. Raja Singh was fully confident that the babban cats would somehow reduce the rat population.

As soon as Babban Bilada took charge, plans were hatched to cut-to-size the rats. First he recruited violent and headstrong wild cats on contract basis. Contractual recruitment was a favorite of Maharaja Singh. Earlier, Babban Bilada also reduced the need for permanent jobs by recruiting on contract basis in the traffic department. He did the same in the Rat Outbreak Prevention Department. The cheeky cats were immediately trained and within a few days started getting their services.

'Listen to me very carefully!' Babban Bilada called the contractual employees and told the next outline, 'You all have to be stationed in every temple from midnight today. Rats will sneak up from below. The rats are to be exterminated one by one after giving signals to each other by climbing the height and taking an aerial view. Our enmity with rats is not modern. Since rats have become smart, they don't come into our paws. In the past, these rats have done things like tying bells around the necks of our great-grandmother cats. That's why the society can never forgive him.'

Babban Bilada's provocative speech made all the contract workers go crazy. Babban gave the last important instruction: 'After dealing with the rats, they are to be swallowed whole. Leave no evidence. What you are going to do is called 'Operation Encounter'. Even if the operation is probed by the top investigating officer Chintashiel Beijjatdas Imandar (CBI) in the absence of Maharaja Singh's government in the future, nothing should be done. Our temples have to be freed from the pestilence of these rats by destroying them one by one so that no one thinks that the rat encounters were fake. clear?'

'Yeaas sir!' All the contractors responded in unison. All these ferocious cats left for 'Operation Encounter' with Babban Bilada's order.


In the meeting of the rat society, Dheerajlal Mushak blasted that only cats are making noise in temples at midnight to remove rats from the forest. All the blame is put on the rats. Cats do not figure anywhere in the damage done to temples due to political support. Disreputable rats only happen. After hearing that, the rat society fell into submission. As the stress increased, the rats began to shear the teeth that they had climbed. One was already infamous. As the shearing increased in it, it became more infamous. Special reports started appearing in 'Jungle News' with footage of what the rats were cutting up. In view of the way rats cause damage in the forest and the way they cut the things of the temples, even the forest dwellers are not safe in the future - Bhakta Shiromani Ghetabhai Ghasphusiya, Kagadabhai Kankasia, Holaji Hathila started a campaign on social media. Due to all this the forest dwellers started to believe that it is necessary to control the rats.

In such a situation, the sleuths of the 'Rat Extermination Prevention Department' started 'Operation Encounter'. Everywhere the cats killed the rats by striking at midnight. Some rats were injured by the violent claws of cats. In a few days of operation, several rats' bodies were shed.

A report came in 'Jungle News': 'Afat Kumar, the mastermind of rioting in temples, killed in an encounter with a mouse, Babban, a cat... The search for escaped Sagaritos Dhirjlal Mushak, Mouse Godau alias Bardani has begun... There is a possibility that these two miscreants will also have an encounter...'

Knowing the news, the whole rat entered the social rates and went underground!


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