Andelman, who has been struggling for eight years, is the bright hope of tomorrow!

- Putin troubled by documents of nineteen thousand war crimes!

- Andelman

- Admi Insan Ki Kadra Karna Le Seikh,

- Ab aman ke vaste sabr karna le sikh le.

- 'For decades I have seen political leaders believe that the problems we face today will fade away and be forgotten... but the truth is that these problems never go away.'

The actions of a woman have been scaring Russia's all-powerful Putin for the past eight-eight years. Eight years ago Ukrainians started a revolution for national pride and struggle for their right to choose. The divers of Ukraine, who came out from the clutches of the dictator for democracy, raised their voice against the dominance of Russia. Among these voices is the voice of a woman named Andelman. He is not involved in the armed war against Russia, he is not a soldier fighting against Russia, but he has raised his voice on Russia's rightism.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union regime, Russia occupied Crimea and started underground activities in the Donbass to subjugate the independence of Ukraine. By stirring up internal opposition, he gained control of some areas of the country, but Ukraine chose to play the struggle rather than surrender, and Andelman's voice began to be heard throughout the world: 'Our struggle is to build a country where the rights of all are protected, The judiciary should be independent, the government should be accountable to the people, and the police should not crack down on peaceful student demonstrations.'

Thus Andelman's fight is against the dictator. It says, 'Putin is trying to suffocate our country by talking about alliance with NATO. He pretends to be afraid of NATO, but the truth is that Putin is afraid of the idea of ​​freedom.'

He tried to crush freedom in Kazakhstan, in Belarus, in Poland and in Hungary, and Ukrainians have faced this dictatorship for the last eight years.

What is it that makes a dictator like Putin uncomfortable with the work of a woman like Andelman? Andelman has been documenting war crimes committed by Russia for the past eight years. He has documented over 19,000 episodes of such war crimes. Where Russia has deliberately bombarded residential buildings, churches, hospitals and schools, committing the crime of killing innocent human beings. Murder, oppression, sexual violence and abduction of civilians in occupied territories. Andelman takes note of each crime and raises the question of where the journalists, thinkers and hope for freedom went when they suddenly disappeared after they dominated one region in particular.

This documentation of it has created a fear. Dictators forget the past, crush the present, but worry about the future, and then the question arises, what will happen if Putin is prosecuted for all these war crimes in the future? Andelman has a large number of war crimes records and attempts to effectively investigate over two thousand criminal cases. There is no international 'system' of justice for such crimes, so the International Criminal Court limits its operations to selected cases only.

Andelman himself is no historian. It does not want to create a national archive of Russian crimes. It has only one desire and that is to hold accountable Putin, his cronies and the Russian criminals who committed the crimes of oppressing the innocent. He gives the example of 'Nuremberg Trials' regarding his action. In the Nuremberg Trials, from 1939 to 1945, Nazi Germany invaded Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Denmark, Norway, Yugoslavia, Greece and the Soviet Union. In the holocaust they brutally murdered millions of Jews and in Russia alone 27 million people died, most of them civilians.

All these crimes of Nazi Germany were prosecuted according to international law and the perpetrators were punished. Well, at the same Nuremberg Trials, war crimes documents led to the prosecution of the perpetrators. Andelman says, 'The events of the Nuremberg Trials of the last century were a necessary step, taken after the fall of the Nazi regime. Now a more historic step has to be taken in the new century and for that the criminals have to be punished by documenting the crimes of the last eight years.'

Andelman says, 'Putin's regime still exists, so there is nothing we can do. For this we must wait.' But the time has come that the political leaders of the world have to take historical responsibility for their actions. The libertarian says, 'For decades I have seen political leaders assume that the problems we face today will fade away and be forgotten...' But according to Andelman, the truth is Nor do these problems ever disappear. The culprits have to take the responsibility and find a solution so that such problems do not arise for the next generation.

This will require the restoration of an international order of peace and security, the responsibility of which rests with the whole world. Ukraine is an example of global problems. Russia's disease of regionalism has to be curbed. If statesmen do not accept their historical responsibility, human rights defenders will have to bring them to their place, and Andelman then makes an important statement: 'There is more power in ordinary people around the world than we have ever imagined, and the mobilization of ordinary people can change world history very quickly. .'

Andelman is a human rights lawyer who says, 'We are fighting for our right to democratic choice and Putin has become aggressive because of autocracy and authoritarianism, but this war is not a war between Russia and Ukraine, but an authoritarian and democratic system. There is a war between the two.'

Putin is trying to convince the world with his work that our values ​​like democracy, rule of law, freedom of human rights are all artificial and completely fake values. If those values ​​are good then why couldn't they protect you during this war?

Speaking against Putin's attempt, Andelman says, 'When the entire United Nations system is unable to free a single person from imprisonment, a serious situation has arisen for a woman like me who advocates for human rights. Can't use any legal tools to protect people from Russia's atrocities and it seems like a very dangerous world to live in...'

But Andelman believes that these problems are not just problems of Ukraine, but of the whole world, crossing international borders.

He says, 'Imagine that the UN Secretary General was in Kiev, Ukraine, and at the same time a Russian rocket hit Kiev. A Radio Liberty journalist was killed that day. Therefore, an international tribunal for war crimes against humanity and genocide must be created and Russian perpetrators held accountable. While this Russia has committed war crimes in Chechnya, Syria, Mali, Libya and other countries of the world, I just want more than nineteen thousand war crimes on Ukraine to be answered. I have been working for the protection of human rights for the last twenty years. For the past eight years I have been gathering material on Russia's war crimes and wish that one day the dictators would be punished in an international court for their inhumane and genocidal war...'


When the population bomb explodes -

The taxi driver seated the passenger and started driving the taxi. After going some distance, suddenly the taxi driver said, 'Oh, sorry. I completely forgot.'

The passenger beamed and said, 'Why what happened? Have you run out of petrol?'

'No sir, there is petrol, but I forgot to turn the meter. Now how will I know how much rent to charge?'

The passenger said, 'Don't worry. It's good to forget.'

'How did it go?'

'You forgot to turn on the meter and I forgot to take money from home. So suppose even if the meter had switched on I would not have been able to pay the rent. Forgotten, that's for good.'

We were reminded of this because, like the taxi driver and the passenger, 'Forgotten, it's good' attitude is seen in our country in terms of population growth. Recently, data from the United Nations Population Fund shows that India has become the most populous country in the world with a population of 142.86 crore, but this 'best' is quite 'minimum'. Although we get this pleasure of statistics, but behind it the country's dire problem is completely forgotten. The population of the country is increasing so fast that we do not have enough food, shelter or clothing to meet that population. Poverty and unemployment increase and whatever progress is made due to population growth, eventually comes to nothing.

Now India has more population than China. China took concrete measures to curb population growth. The time has come for developing India too, otherwise the country will become desolate if the population bomb explodes.


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