Oppenheimer became physically weak...

- In the frenzy of atomic bomb research during World War II

- Synopsis d. Bhatt

- Part-2

- 5 packs of cigarettes, liquor and coffee became his daily food.

- On the other hand, only 400 miles remained between the American Navy and Tokyo

In which eminent physicists, chemists and some Nobel Prize winning scientists were also present. To these brilliant scientists from Britain, Eastern Europe and America, Oppenheimer gave a detailed idea of ​​the purpose of the meeting. Very few people in the world were aware of the topic discussed here.

This meeting was held near the end of World War II, in which scientists were divided into two conflicting opinions. Some scientists were in favor of dropping the atomic bomb on Japan, while others believed that Japan was almost ready to surrender, in such a situation, the act of dropping the atomic bomb on Japan was not morally right.

A scientist said that if an atomic bomb were dropped on Japan, the world would start an arms race, meaning that each country would start a race to build more and more weapons of mass destruction.

However, the news that America has started a new laboratory in Los Alamos for the research of atomic bomb slowly spread in the circle of scientists. Oppenheimer was appointed in charge of this lab in October, 1942.

In about three and a half years, the research work on making the atomic bomb was nearing completion and now Oppenheimer actually started the testing of the atomic bomb.

Until now, the weapon which was only in theory, i.e. the only theoretical talk of making a destructive nuclear weapon was going on among the scientists, now from that theoretical talk, such a destructive weapon was going to become a reality. was

But in the frenzy of making atomic bomb, he himself became physically and mentally weak. The six-foot-tall Oppenheimer had lost a lot of weight. His teeth were rotten because he smoked five packs of Chesterfield cigarettes a day. They used to drink only colorless liquor) or coffee.

Oppenheimer's wife Kitty, fed up with her husband's life under such irregular and constant mental stress, took her four-year-old son Peter and moved to his pier, but one strange thing was that Kitty did not take her four-month-old daughter with her...!

In the absence of his wife, Oppenheimer had 'romantic' relationships with several women, including his 21-year-old secretary Anne T. Wilson was also included.

Despite this situation, Oppenheimer completed the research of making atomic bomb and now the preparation for its testing was started.

As Oppenheimer believed in the spiritual philosophy of Eastern countries, he gave the symbolic name of the atomic bomb he created as 'TRINITY'. (The Trinity in Hinduism means Brahma (the creator of the universe), Vishnu (the sustainer) and Shankara (the destroyer).

He sometimes also used to quote Bhagavad Gita verses in his conversation. Thus Oppenheimer's life was full of contradictions. On the one hand, to have no qualms about drinking alcohol and cigarettes and having romantic relationships outside of marriage, on the other hand, to have faith in Indian religions and Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar. What greater contrast could there be in Oppenheimer's life than this...?

The extra-marital affairs of atomic bomb maker Oppen Hammer have been going on for a long time. Oppenhammer also had an affair with Ruth Tolman, a married woman who worked as a psychologist in the Office of Strategic Services. This woman was 10 years older than Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer's love affair with her continued for many years after the end of World War II.

Ruth Tellman's husband worked in Oppenheimer's atomic bomb research lab, so he soon learned of his wife Ruth's infidelity. When Ruth's husband Richard died of a heart attack in 1948, there were rumors in the lab that Richard's heart failure was due to the shock of his wife Ruth's affair with Oppenheimer.

Now let's come to the origin of Oppenheimer's atom bomb. Research on the atom bomb at Los Alamos was nearing completion. Preparations for his testing were now being made, so Oppenheimer had no interest in anything else, he had no time for anything else.

Near the laboratory was a vast desert. This desert was very far from the main region and since this region was deserted, there was no possibility of any casualties due to atomic bomb testing.

Robert Oppenheimer received a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard University and a doctorate from a university in Germany.

5,000 miles from the atomic bomb lab at Los Alamos and only 400 miles from Tokyo, the Japanese capital, American naval soldiers could not smell their country being bombed. Five weeks into the battle for the Japanese island of Okinawa, they learned that "Germany had surrendered." "Have arrived.

But those who heard this news had only one answer. The Germans surrendered, but so what? Adolf Hitler is dead. But here American soldiers are fighting for their survival. The worldwide war that the German dictator started six years ago is still going on in this corner of the world.


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