Mandatory imposition of any issue does not solve the problem properly

- To the point-Ajit Parrot

What do Gujaratis not have? Which area of ​​life is not a Gujarati? Which country in the world will be where Gujaratis do not live? Business, sports, entertainment, education, science, fashion, politics... Gujaratis have achieved a lot in every field. In the countries of Europe, non-white people who failed to see the happiness and wealth of Gujaratis killed the Gujarati businessman. In short, Gujaratis have it all. Not just one thing. Gujaratis have no love for their mother tongue. There is no passion to die for the mother tongue.

Check sometimes while walking on the road. If two Kutch women or two Marathi people or two Bengali babus meet face to face, they immediately start talking in their mother tongue. On the other hand, as if the Gujarati has nothing like his own mother tongue, like the hero of 'Munnabhai MBBS', either he starts speaking in Tapori Hindi or he starts talking in fanku type English.

As World Mother Language Day was celebrated last week, a senior Gujarati poet and a superhit playwright extolled the glory of the Gujarati language. Just finished talking. As if the new year is celebrated one day in the sitting year, then the newness is forgotten for the whole year, the mother tongue is being forgotten.

The Gujarat High Court and the Gujarat government took a somewhat aggressive stand on the issue. The state government has shown its readiness to enact a law for compulsory teaching of Gujarati in schools. It is a good thing, but it is important to understand that forcing any issue does not solve the problem properly. I have an everyday experience like yours - tell the child that this bag is not to be opened. So the child starts trying to open the bag by paying our attention at any time. Similarly, even when he is forced to do an activity he does not like, he does it reluctantly and reluctantly.

Who said 'you, crazy Gujarat, agu se laat, piche se baat... and what what money is there... whoever said that was probably right. Who knows why, Gujarati people have no obsession or obsession with their mother tongue. There is no opposition to English or any other language here, but one thing is certain that the inherent sweetness of the mother tongue is not found elsewhere.

Due to the obsession with English, mother became Kendala (Mom) and father became Mritpraya (Dead). Why the foreign language craze to such an extent? There can be no objection to the fact that English should be mastered, but the obsession with any other language at the expense of the mother tongue is in no way justified. Take a small example. Uncle, Mama, Masa in Gujarati and all these relationships in English are limited to the word 'Uncle'. Maternal uncle or paternal uncle should be clarified to show closeness of relationship. Same goes for brother-in-law and brother-in-law. Same limit for sister-in-law and sister-in-law.

It is possible that the management of the schools may make an excuse before the High Court and the government that qualified teachers who can teach Gujarati are not available. To some extent that is also true. Today, many (not all) teachers and professors of Gujarati language do not have adequate understanding or study of the rules of pronunciation and the pronunciation of warm sounds like श, श, श. That limit can be removed.

Rather than the government enacting a law or the High Court forcing schools to teach Gujarati, parents need to take up this task. Gujarati should be spoken at home and the child should be able to read, speak and write Gujarati. The pride of the mother tongue will not be preserved until we ourselves wake up. This is our shared responsibility. It would be better if we all give up laziness on this issue before it is too late.


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