China's alternative to India.

For the last two-three years, China has been a victim of various kinds of internal torture. China's specialty is its privacy, but that is also its limitation. China cannot tell its sorrows to the world, because within each of its sorrows lies its own mercurial guilt. China's industrial encroachment has now come to a screeching halt. Due to the 30 percent increase in the price of raw materials by China after the corona period, the manufacturers all over the world have been shocked. After the industrial hiatus of the last two years, Indian industries and small scale industries are now booming. To the surprise of the Indian government itself, Indian exports are skyrocketing. Almost every month increasing export figures are setting new records. There are two or three important reasons for this.

India's international neutrality and stability have proved invaluable since the Ukraine war. Businessmen from all over the world have increased their trust in India. Just as the Russian dictator Putin himself operates in a kind of manipulative manner, in the same way, America, being the self-appointed world leader, drags someone into a war. In Ukraine, the US is sitting on the sidelines, but if the tide turns, it will have to pounce. Also, it is certain that America will be a victim of Russia's tyranny anytime. That is why other countries are currently showing restraint in building long-term commercial relations with America. If you look at it another way, a historical beginning has taken place in the shadow of America's neglect. America's failure to protect the people of Ukraine is actually the beginning of the end of America as a great nation.

Seeing the rising art moon of the Indian business world, various foreign heads keep coming to India. However, there are many political reasons for it. After the collapse of relations between Russia and Europe, Europe is now frequently in need of India for various products. The image of Indianness that Prime Minister Modi has presented on different platforms around the world in the last eight-nine years has gradually started to be accepted by the world community. Even the Indian industrialists did not expect that it would directly benefit the business world and it would happen so early, but due to the Ukraine war, the supply chain of various goods was disrupted, so all eyes have turned to India. The world community has now come to see India as a major producer of cotton. India has also gradually reduced its imports from China over the last five years.

This is not the result of various campaigns run by the NDA government to procure indigenous goods, but Indian small scale industries have made a significant contribution in reducing dependence on China. Also Indian people tend to stay away from Chinese products as much as possible. Its percentage is small, but its sum is huge. The Government of India in its last general budget has of late given various incentives to these small scale industries. The world community now sees India as a direct alternative to China. That is, if the raw materials and products received from China are received from India, now they do not want to order from China. Labor is cheap in India compared to other countries, but not as cheap as China. Due to this, China is still ahead in some products. Also, India does not have the giant manufacturing units that China has. But keeping in view the demand, India is now working towards building such huge industrial estates very quickly.

China has been experiencing eclipses one after another, including a new variant of Corona. China's military also has heavy fire. There are many provinces running movements for independence. There are now many countries in the world with a negative attitude towards China. China's direct enemies have also increased. China's tendency to swallow small countries by giving loans as bribes has also been revealed. China's present is still written in gold letters, but the future is clearly looking dark. There is an urgent need for the Government of India to upgrade its industrial policy in terms of exports and international trade.


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