5G is not in place and Korea will bring 6G in 2026

- While 5G is still rolling out in India, by 2030 Korea will be selling 6G internet technology to the entire world.

- South Korea has announced to launch 6G internet service across the country in 2028. The speed of Korea's 6G Internet network will be 50 times that of the existing 5G network, i.e. 50 Gbps. The entire web series will be downloaded in a blink of an eye. The coverage area of ​​6G internet network will be 10 kilometers so there will be no complaint that the network is not available.

5G internet technology has been launched in India. 5G internet service is currently being provided in mobile phones in many areas of the country including some cities of Gujarat but 5G internet service has not yet started in the entire country. While India is likely to roll out 5G internet services across the country by the end of this year, South Korea has announced to roll out 6G internet services across the country in 2028.

According to the announcement made by the Department of Science and Internet Communication Technology of Korea, under the K-Network 2030 project, by 2030, Korea will be selling 6G Internet technology to the whole world. Korea has announced to start 6G internet service in the whole country in 2028 but before that 6G internet service will start in many areas in 2026. The 6G internet network will have 50 times the speed of the current network. Talking about the current network, do not understand the 4G internet network because 4G internet network is still running in India while the 5G internet network has arrived in South Korea long ago.

South Korea was the first country in the world to launch a 5G internet network. 5G internet network came in South Korea in 2019 when we didn't have 4G internet network there. Korea's network was and still is the fastest 5G internet network in the world. The speed of this network is at least 1 Gbps. Means, a movie of 1 GB is downloaded in 1 second. The speed of 6G internet network will be 50 times that is 50 Gbps.

The coverage area of ​​Korea's 6G Internet network will be 10 kilometers. In Korea, mobile towers are installed every twenty kilometers, so even today, it is not possible to get a network in some places and not in some places. If you go out of the radius of ten kilometers of one tower, you will come within the range of another tower, so there is no such thing as no network. A strong receptor will be installed for the 6G internet network, so there will be no complaints of not getting the network.

South Korea's Science Minister Lim Hye announced at the 2022 Mobile World Congress that South Korea will launch 6G Internet service across the country by 2028. At that time many people felt like Bhi Deewana aur Sunta Bhi Deewana saying this because in other countries of the world 5G internet network has not yet been installed. While most of the countries including India are trying to make the 5G internet network a success, many feel that Korea is overstepping the mark, but South Korea has successfully completed the trials of the 6G internet network by taking quick steps.

The next phase is to bring this 6G internet network to the people commercially i.e. by companies. The Korean government has started pouring dollars like water for this. The Korean government announced plans to launch a 6G Internet network in five years and allocated a budget of 480 million dollars last year. If calculated in Indian currency, it is about 4000 crore rupees.

However, the Korean government has taken other important steps as the 6G internet network is not working just by allocating the budget. The government has employed local companies. It has announced to provide subsidy to companies manufacturing materials and components for 6G internet network. Also, the top mobile service providers of the country have already been asked to prepare the supply chain.

The Korean government has not officially announced but companies working in 6G Internet technology have been told to leave no stone unturned to make South Korea the most powerful country in the world in 6G Internet technology. Any help from the government will be provided.

South Korea competes with China and Japan in the field of mobile and electronics technology. Japan does not have enough manpower and young people are also less so Japan is focusing on high-end technology in technology research while China is top in technology that touches common people so South Korea's competition is mainly with China.

South Korea was the first to launch 5G internet in the world, but China has taken the lead in the development of the technology and the revenue generated from it. South Korea held 25.9 percent of 5G Internet patents as of last year, while China was at the top with 26.8 percent.

South Korea has decided to shift its strategy away from 5G Internet technology and focus on 6G Internet technology to overtake China with a 30 percent or more patent share in 6G Internet technology.

Economists are considering this strategy of Korea as appropriate because the lifespan of 5G Internet technology is not more than five years. If it is stretched a lot, seven years will come out. By 2028, 6G Internet technology will have arrived, so the rich countries of the world will have switched to it. 6G Internet will be making a lot of money. Korea will benefit if it focuses on that from now on.

After South Korea's announcement, it is clear that countries like China and Japan will also be on the move. China has also floated its own satellite for 6G internet long ago. We don't know what is going on inside China, but after Korea's announcement, China will be the first to launch the 6G Internet network, so there will be fierce competition. Due to this competition, 6G internet may come in 2025.

180 lakh crore of revenue from 5G by 2030

Internet technology is believed to control the world economy in the future. Currently, around 85 billion dollars i.e. 7 lakh crore rupees are earned from 5G internet service in the world. By 2030, it is estimated that 2200 billion dollars i.e. around 180 lakh crore rupees will be earned from 5G internet service. Almost all the countries of the world will have 5G internet service, so the earning will be more than 25 times more than now.

It is not possible to estimate how much money will be earned from 6G Internet service, but if 6G Internet technology is available all over the world by 2035, it is estimated that the Internet earnings will be more than 100 times the current earnings. Working hours will be reduced and all work will be done faster due to lightning speed internet.

6G to come in India in 2032, six task forces in action

In Asia, China, Japan and South Korea are leading the race to roll out 6G Internet, but India is not far behind. India has also started working towards developing 6G internet technology. India has started developing its own indigenous 6G internet technology. The central government had created six different task forces for this in December 2021.

Four of these task forces are headed by directors of IITs Chennai, Kanpur, Bangalore and Hyderabad. These four task forces are for technical matters. The remaining two task forces are related to finance for the project and international standards. It is headed by government officials.

All these task forces along with Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras are working on developing 6G Internet technology. It has not been officially announced when the 6G internet service will start in India but it is expected to arrive by 2032.


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