Terrorist attack in Israel, now it will be done by Hamas

- After shooting indiscriminately outside a synagogue, killing 7 Jews, the attacker was chased by police as he fled in a car.

- A 21-year-old terrorist from Palestine killed 7 Jews by shooting indiscriminately outside the Synagogue in Nev Yakov settlement of Jerusalem. After the attack, he was chased by the police as he was fleeing in a car, but there is outrage in Israel because of the death of so many people at once.

The war continues between Israel and Palestine, but the large-scale carnage has stopped for the past few days. The terrorist organization Hamas fired two rockets at the Israeli army and the series of killings has started again. Gaza City is currently occupied by Hamas. Hamas fired two rockets at the city of Ashkelon from Gaza.

Sirens are sounded when there is a terrorist attack in Israel. People are also used to such attacks so they reach a safe place. Israel's military also shot down both rockets in the air. There was no loss of life due to this but people ran away.

Israel does not believe in keeping any accounts, so within hours of the Hamas attack, Israeli Air Force planes scrambled and rained bombs on Gaza. Nine people were killed in this attack. Usually, after an Israeli attack, terrorist organizations sit with their tails between their legs, but this time Hamas retaliated by entering Jerusalem.

A Jewish place of worship is called a synagogue. A 21-year-old terrorist from Palestine killed 7 Jews by shooting indiscriminately outside the Synagogue in Nev Yaakov settlement of Jerusalem. After the attack, he was chased by the police as he was fleeing in a car, but the death of so many people at once caused outrage in Israel.

It has been a long time since so many people have been killed in a Palestinian attack in Israel.

Finally, in 2008, 8 people were killed by indiscriminate firing outside a Jewish place of worship in Jerusalem itself. After Israel responded in the same language and entered Palestine and killed the terrorists, organizations including Hamas went cold. Now suddenly he raised his head again, the government of Israel has also deteriorated.

Be that as it may, the Palestinian city of Ramallah celebrated the killing of the Israelis. Thousands of people who came on the road celebrated by bursting firecrackers and also fired shots in the air. As the video of this celebration went viral, Jews also took to the streets. They shouted slogans to kill the terrorists of Hamas.

Benjamin Netanyahu is now back as Prime Minister. As he announced immediate action, the Israeli army is preparing to teach the Palestinian terrorists a lesson, which is expected to be announced in a day or two. Given that Israel believes in answering bricks with stones, there is no doubt that it will turn Gaza into a battlefield.

When no one considers the fact that seven people died in a terrorist attack in India, it is unimaginable to destroy the enemy country in response to a terrorist attack. 258 people were killed in the 1993 terrorist attack in Mumbai. In the terrorist attack of 2008, around 100 people were killed. It was clear that the attack was carried out by Pakistan, but there was no military response.

No one expects India to avenge murder with murder, but Israel's mood is different. Israel lives with the mood of men and believes that if someone raises his eyes in front of him, he will take out his eyes and hand them over.

It is because of this mood that Israel is adamant even though it is a country surrounded by many Arab countries. Israel has been attacked by the Arab nations unitedly but has not been able to defeat it.

Without reaching a direct war, they are trying to destroy Israel through terrorism, but no one has the strength to destroy anything of Israel. Palestinian leaders like Yasser Arafat and Abu Nidal have tried to bring down Israel by resorting to terrorism, but they have failed. Currently many terrorist organizations led by Hamas are trying to trouble Israel but they cannot break anything of Israel.

Earlier, nations including Saudi Arabia aided Palestinian organizations in the war against Israel. Arab countries do not go to war with Israel directly after Palestine has reached an agreement with Israel, but definitely help through the back door. Syria and Iran attack Israel but Israel does not give a damn.

The terrorist organization Islamic State is also trying to topple Israel. Israel borders Syria in the northeast. In Syria, there is a war between the government of Bashar al-Assad and the Islamic State. The Islamic State is an organization of Sunnis and hates Shias. Iran, the largest country of Shiites, supports Assad so that the Islamic State does not occupy Syria. Iran has also sent its army to Syria. Two years ago, Iran's army launched a missile attack on Israel, and within hours, Israel bombed an Iranian camp and wiped out the entire camp.

The area of ​​Israel is one eighth of our Gujarat. Spread over only 22 thousand square kilometers, Israel has half the area of ​​Kutch district of Gujarat. The population of Israel is also around 9 million. Israel brings and settles Jews from all over the world.

Hitler massacred Jews in Germany before World War II. Because of this, the jews were threatened with extinction. The Jews who escaped from Germany had to seek refuge in countries including America. The Jews then woke up. Jews do not want to let anything happen again that threatens their existence. This is why they value every single Jewish life. Israel believes in revenge in such a way that if a single Jew's life is lost, no one dares to take another Jew's life again.

Because of this, it seems that the Palestinians will pay a very heavy price for the terrorist attacks by Hamas.

Creation of Israel invalidated by Muslims

Israel has been fighting constant wars since it came into being in 1948 because the creation of Israel by separating from Palestine was not acceptable to Muslims. Israel was created by countries including America.

World War II was caused by Hitler's persecution and genocide of Jews in Germany. At the end of the Second World War, the victorious countries including America, Britain, France, Russia decided to create a separate nation for the Jews who suffered the most. The Jews were originally from Palestine, so in 1848 a separate nation, Israel, was created from Palestine.

Muslims believe that both Israel and Palestine belong to Muslims. Jews have been wrongly made a separate country. Because of this, Muslims want to create a Muslim nation of Palestine by expelling the Jews. Because of this belief, countries including Jordan invaded Israel in 1948. After Israel crushed the Arabs, the war continued and Jordan occupied East Jerusalem. The Arab nations attacked again in 1967 with full force to defeat Israel. The Arabs were defeated in a six-day long war. Israel recaptured East Jerusalem and occupied all of Jerusalem.

Israel occupied all of Palestine for years. After Yasser Arafat's agreement to resolve the dispute, two areas, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, have gone to Palestine. In Palestine too, there is a war between organizations including Hamas and Fatah for dominance. Currently Hamas is the strongest so it controls most of the territory.

Battle between Muslims and Jews for Jerusalem

The city of Jerusalem is the main focus of the war between Israel and Palestine as Jerusalem is considered a very holy place by people of all three religions - Jews, Christians and Muslims. The roots of this feud are the shrines of the Old City.

Jews believe that the Kotel (Western Wall) in the Old City is a remnant of the Wall of the Mt. Within this holy place was situated his holiest place 'Holy of the Holies'. Al Aqsa Mosque is the holiest site in the Old City for Muslims. Al Aqsa Mosque is considered the third holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina.

For Christians, the center of faith in Jerusalem is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was crucified here and went to heaven from here.


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