Balochistan's war of independence: Loha garam hai, mar do hotoda

- Ganga Aarti was offered in Hardwar to fulfill the demand of independent Balochistan, India is in the mood to strike another blow to Pakistan.

- The population of Pakistan's Balochistan is around a quarter of a million, but the total population of the Baloch people is said to be around 4 million. People fighting for Balochistan's independence dream of settling all these Baloch living in Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq in present day Balochistan. In Pakistan's Balochistan, only 36 people live in an area of ​​one square kilometer. Most of the population is spread across tribes and tribes so there is plenty of space to settle the Baloch people coming from outside.

Prof Nayla Qadri, the Prime Minister of the government-in-exile formed with the aim of liberating Pakistan's Balochistan province and making it a separate nation, has sought India's support for the demand for a separate Balochistan. Nayla Qadri's government demands that the United Nations approve a separate Balochistan. Nayla has been traveling around the world seeking support for the demand to separate Balochistan from Pakistan. He has come to India as a part of it. In Haridwar, he performed Ganga Aarti and prayed for the fulfillment of the demand for an independent Balochistan.

It is interesting to see what stance the Modi government will take on Nayla's demand as the issue of atrocities committed by the Pakistan Army in Balochistan has been vigorously raised by the Modi government in the past. The Modi government has also warned Pakistan that if Pakistan does not remain calm in Jammu and Kashmir, India will have to expose the atrocities committed by the Pakistani army in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan and Balochistan to the world.

The stance of Modi Sarkakar was also supported by parties including Congress. The opposition said that India must raise the issue of human rights violations before Pakistan and at the international level as the Pakistani army has committed atrocities and killed democracy in PoK and Balochistan, which was captured by Pakistan.

Modi raised this issue in his speech on Independence Day in 2016 and asked that Pakistan should explain to the world why the Pakistani army is committing atrocities in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Balochistan. In short, considering that the Indian government's stance on the issue of Balochistan is aggressive, India can support it if there is a proposal to liberate it in the United Nations. Balochistan is currently a province of Pakistan, so many leaders of India have already said such foolish things in the past that the struggle for independence of Balochistan is an internal matter of Pakistan. Although Jammu and Kashmir is a territory of India, there is nothing wrong if India also raises the issue of Balochistan at the international level or supports the demand of independent Balochistan.

The Modi government had earlier denied Nayla a visa to India due to Pakistan's opposition. Now Naila has been given a visa and allowed to come to India. From that too, there is every possibility that the Modi government will openly support Azad Balochistan. India should also support because the people of Balochistan are not ready to live with Pakistan since Pakistan came into existence. Pakistan has kept Balochistan under its heel with the force of military might.

The people of Balochistan have been fighting since the creation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947. He did not want to go to Pakistan, but he rebelled in 1947 against the British who merged him into Pakistan. Baloch people have been fighting for freedom for the last 76 years.

A class takes up arms and fights an armed war for the independence of Balochistan, while in parallel, the demand for a separate democratic Balochistan also stirs up agitation. The armed struggle is led by the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) while the Baloch Republican Party is the largest of the political parties fighting for democracy. Brahumdag Bugti is its leader but Pakistan has washed its hands and backed down so Bugti fled to Switzerland.

Bugti sought asylum from India, but India denied him asylum to avoid controversy. No one knows where Bugti is now as even Switzerland did not protect Bugti under pressure from Pakistan. However, Bugti is said to be in Europe as the Baloch leaders who are fighting for democracy have come together to form a government-in-exile (government-in-exile) somewhere in Europe. Professor Naila Qadri living in Canada is the Prime Minister in this government.

The reason why Baloch people do not like Pakistanis is because the culture of Baloch people is completely different. The current Balichustan is formed by combining four kingdoms. These princely states were under British rule, so the British gave it to Pakistan while leaving, but these princely states were completely separate from Indian territory. The Baloch people, originally from Iraq's Kudash people, have ties to Iran and the Afghan people.

The population of Pakistan's Balochistan is around a quarter of a crore, but the total population of Baloch people is said to be around 4 crore. People fighting for Balochistan's independence dream of settling all these Baloch living in Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq in present day Balochistan.

In Pakistan's Balochistan, only 36 people live in an area of ​​one square kilometer. Most of the population is spread across tribes and tribes so there is plenty of space to settle the Baloch people coming from outside.

When the Baloch people revolted against Pakistan in 1947, Pakistan suppressed the revolt with the force of the army, but since then the struggle for independence has been suppressed. Pakistan did not trust the Baloch people, so it started atrocities by adopting the policy of suppressing them by force of army. Due to this, the discontent against Pakistan also increased among the Baloch people and now the situation is explosive.

India needs to capitalize on the fact that the iron is hot and the situation is like a hammer. Considering that the Indian government may be running such operations as the public is not supposed to be informed about the private operations in the affairs of other countries, the time has come to raise the issue of Balochistan vigorously at the international level as well. As Pakistan always looks for opportunities to malign India on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, India should adopt the same attitude on the issue of Balochistan.

- People's outrage over China's incursion into petroleum-rich Balochistan

Balochistan is a region rich in natural resources. Balochistan has the largest reserves of petroleum and natural gas in Pakistan. Pakistan is sitting on these natural gas reserves but nothing has happened in the name of development in Balochistan. Pakistan did not allow Balochistan to develop, believing that if Balochistan develops, it will revolt against Pakistan.

Balochistan has a vast coastline but no facilities are developed there. There is a lot of anger among the people because the rulers of Pakistan have bombarded Punjab on the strength of Balochistan's natural resources while keeping the people of Balochistan beggars. Due to the backward behavior of the Pakistani government, this area is living in the eighteenth century and is living in backwardness. Baloch people living abroad worked to create awareness by bringing this issue to people, so Baloch people are totally against Pakistan.

Now Pakistan has pushed China into this area. In the name of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, China has stepped in to loot Balochistan's natural resources, which has sparked outrage among the Baloch people.

Young people are joining the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) in large numbers to fight for the freedom of Balochistan. Apart from China's hideouts, BSLA regularly attacks Pakistan military and ISI. Pakistan Army is also suffering heavy losses in it.

- Balochistan can become another Bangladesh

Pakistan has four provinces namely Baluchistan, Punjab, Sindh and Khyber Pashtunwala. Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, is a federal capital territory. Apart from this, there are also a number of tribal areas directly under the control of the Government of Pakistan. The administration of these territories, which are Union Territories in India, is directly held by the Government of Pakistan.

There is discontent and outrage everywhere in Pakistan, except in Punjab province. India should take advantage of it because in the past, India has done it directly by preventing Pakistan from engaging in infighting. Indira Gandhi taught a big lesson to Pakistan by creating a separate Bangladesh in 1971. Balochistan can become another Bangladesh for Pakistan because like Bangladesh, Balochistan is not compatible with the culture of Pakistan.


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