Tussle Supreme wants to be omnipotent in the country, bringing the anti-nationals to jail

- Collegium system is not mentioned in the constitution

- Occasional

- Some anti-national elements can infiltrate the judiciary and make the government as bad as possible

The fact is that the Constitution Day should be celebrated with the same pomp and fanfare that was celebrated in the country. People often talk about the implementation of the constitution. Very few people know what is the constitution that binds India together. When the Modi government removed Article 370 of the Constitution, many people of the new generation started to understand it a little. In a democracy, the implementation of the constitution is necessary, but when the elected government is considered supreme, the judiciary comes to enforce the instructions of the government. Both the Supreme Court and the central government are not willing to compromise on the appointment of judges.

These two pillars of the country's constitution have become embroiled in the Cold War for power. Both the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice were cordial on the day of the Constitution Day celebration, but in the past week, the President and the Vice President and the Law Minister have criticized the Supreme Court. In the presence of the Chief Justice and top judges, Jagdish Dhankhad held a mirror to the judiciary. The supporters of the Supreme Court cannot criticize the President and the Vice-President by arguing and making accusations before the political authorities. The President and the Vice President have given an indirect indication to the Supreme Court Justice that they are with the government's submission.

The President mentioned that despite the overthrow of the NJAC (National Judicial Appointments Commission), it was not criticized. In the existing collegium system, judges are appointed and transferred. Constitutionally made law should not come in the way. The current collegium is headed by the Chief Justice, which also consists of four senior judges of the Supreme Court. He sends the names of the selected judges for the Law Minister's approval from where the file reaches the Prime Minister for the President's consideration. The details that the newly appointed judge is not affiliated with any political party ideology or any other activity can be ascertained by the central government police system and then sanctioned.

If a judge associated with anti-social activities or anti-national people comes to power, it can cause great loss to the country. The government can screen judges when they appoint them. Looking at the way in which the hostile environment is being created in the country and the way Prime Minister Narendra Modi is being opposed, it can be said that some elements can infiltrate the judiciary and make the government as bad as possible. People are suffering from the delays in the country's courts. Bollywood films are also protesting with dialogues like 'Tarikh Pe Tarikh...'. People do not get justice on time, as the number of pending cases in courts is in crores.

The President and Vice President seem to have indirectly advised the Supreme Court lawyers not to clash with the Centre. It is in the common sense of the people that Supreme Court does not want central discretion in the matter of appointment of judges. The Supreme Court wants to keep everything to itself. He wants the entire judiciary to be independent and no one in particular, the central government, to inquire into anyone. There is no mention of collegium in the constitution.

The protest started with the Supreme Court's stance that even RTI cannot challenge the decision taken by the collegium. More controversy arose when the central government appointed Arun Goyal as the head of the Election Commission. The Supreme Court was also with the Modi opponents who raised objections. The Supreme Court said that there should be a collegium system for appointing the head of the Election Commission. It is being discussed that the Supreme Court wants to increase its strength.

The general public trusts the judiciary more than political power, but laws passed by both houses of parliament should be given importance. The superpower of the Constitution is stuck in the Cold War to gain power. The people watch the spectacles by being miserable.


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