Putin adversary Alexei 'disappears' from prison as Russia announces election

- Aleksei has been sentenced to 19 years in a 'penal colony' for harboring extremism. A 'penal colony' for political prisoners is considered the most dangerous prison in Russia. 'Penal Colony' means a prison built on an island or deserted place. These jails have cells that are ten by six feet or smaller. The prisoner is not allowed to meet anyone. Songs praising the government's achievements and calling Putin great are played 24 hours a day to disturb the prisoner. A sloppy person would have gone mad after seeing all this, but Alexei is a man of strong will, so he survives.

On the one hand, the presidential election has been announced in Russia and it has been announced that Putin is going to stand again in the presidential election to be held from March 15 to March 17 next year. On the other hand, Manata Alexei Navalny, the biggest opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has mysteriously disappeared. Interestingly, Alexei was locked up in prison and has disappeared from there.

Russian authorities have said Alexei has been transferred to another prison, but have not said where, but it is suspected to be related to Russia's presidential election. Putin has been ruling Russia for the past 23 years by eliminating his political rivals. Putin wants to continue this streak and win the 2024 election to hold the presidency for another six years, but Alexei is seen as the biggest obstacle in his way, as Alexei is in prison while his wife, Yulia, is on the outside.

Putin is using Alexei as a pawn to silence Yulia. Alexey is believed to have disappeared in order to shut down Yulia, to close the front against Putin, fearing that Alexei will be found if he does not keep quiet.

Alexei used to be a lawyer but turned to politics after witnessing the corruption and despotism under Putin's rule in Russia. Alexey first started blogging. They started writing stories about how Putin and his cronies run loot. At that time, it was Putin's golden age, so Putin did not consider Alexey, but by 2017, Alexey had become extremely popular.

Scared Putin won the 2018 election by causing a large-scale disturbance in the polls, but Khelanda Putin understood that if Aleksei is not settled, he will become a threat in the future. Alexei uses social media effectively to attack Putin. With reels on Instagram and short videos on YouTube, Alexei has unleashed an explosive internet tirade against Putin. The younger generation likes all this so the anti-Putin atmosphere is becoming.

Putin makes repeated attacks to convince Alexei, but he survives. In 2020, the plot to kill Alexei by giving him a fatal poison almost succeeded, but Alexei was spared when the tigress-like Yulia brought Putin to his knees and took him to Germany. After Alexei returned to Russia in 2021, Putin imprisoned him.

By imposing a sentence of 9 years in one case and 19 years in the other case, Lagi himself has made sure that Alexei does not come out alive, but Putin is scared when Yulia takes the front.

Putin has gone to great lengths to break up Yulia and Aleksey. Aleksei has been sentenced to 19 years in prison and kept in a 'penal colony' on charges of supporting extremism. A 'penal colony' for political prisoners is considered the most dangerous prison in Russia. 'Penal Colony' means a prison built on an island or deserted place. These jails have cells that are ten by six feet or smaller. The prisoner is not allowed to meet anyone. To disturb the prisoner, songs are played 24 hours praising the achievements of the government and calling Putin great. A sloppy person would have gone mad after seeing all this, but Alexei is a man of strong will, so he survives.

Yulia constantly attacked Putin. Putin's fenugreek hits social media. Joseph Stalin launched the Great Purge in 1937 to eliminate his political rivals, killing 1.2 million people. Yulia keeps saying that we have come to the year 1937 and a huge massacre is taking place.

Russia has been unsuccessful in its war against Ukraine for over a year. Because of this, the Russians are resentful. In it, Yulia and Alexei's friends are raging on social media. All this makes Putin sleepless. It is not a new thing for Putin to settle political rivals, so there are talks that Alexei will be settled before the election so that no one dares to stand against Putin. Seeing that Putin can do anything, it is also possible to remove Alexei's thorn. Alexei was accused of trying to create instability in Russia by calling him the enemy of America and the West. It may happen that Yulia is also accused and tried to silence her by throwing her in jail.

Attempts were made to poison Alexei

Putin has tried to oust Alexei Navalny before. In 2020, an attempt was made to kill Alexei by poisoning him. Elkesai was on his way to Moscow from Tomsk when he suddenly fell ill on the flight itself. The flight made an emergency landing in the city of Omsk and was admitted to the hospital. Doctors' investigation revealed that Alexey was given poison called Novichok nerve agent. As his life was in danger due to this, the doctors overdosed him and put him in a coma. Two days later, after treatment in Omsk showed no improvement, Aleksei was taken to the Sheraite Hospital in Berlin, Germany. Doctors at a German hospital also admitted that Alexei had been administered a Novichok nerve agent. Experts also learned that the deadly Novichok was intended to be given to Alexei. After about 15 days of treatment, the doctors brought Alexey out of the coma as his health improved. After months of treatment, Alexei's health returned to normal. Given that Alexei was thrown into prison upon his return to Russia, it is clear that this attack was intended to eliminate him.

Alexei was attacked with a chemical attack in 2017. The attackers threw a bright green colored dye at Alexei but it contained poisonous chemicals. Because of this, 80 percent of the light in Alexey's right eye was lost. Thanks to the efforts of the doctors, Alexei did not go blind and his eyesight gradually returned, but the right eye has shrunk. In 2019, Alexei was poisoned even while he was in prison. Due to this, his eyes and skin were affected.

Alexei's wife, Yulia, shocked Putin

The departure of Alexei's wife, Yulia Borisov, is a major threat to Putin, as Yulia has effectively led the opposition front against Putin in her husband's absence. 47-year-old Yulia is a well-known economist. Yulia's father is Putin's special man while his foi wrote the constitution Putin changed for his own benefit but Yulia falls in front of Putin because of her husband. Yulia used to work in Russia's top bank but after 2007 left to run the house and help Alexei in political activities. Yulia has brought up both her children with good education. Yulia has created an image of a mature and loyal wife to Alexei in Russia and is therefore popular with both the young and the older generation. When Alexei was poisoned, doctors in Russia were unwilling to take him to Germany. Claiming that Alexei had not been poisoned, they beat Alexei a lot to make him fall. At that time, Yulia forced Putin to allow Alexei to be taken to Germany by raising the issue of her husband's treatment. Even in Germany, Yulia was constantly by his side. Because of all this, Yulia's popularity continues to rise, so Putin is worried.


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