China's Khori Danat, Ladakh's rage again

- China has talked about resolving the Jammu and Kashmir dispute according to the UN resolutions, but the UN is nowhere in the picture in the Kashmir dispute. After Pakistan's crushing defeat in the 1971 war, Pakistan surrendered to India. After India brought Pakistan to its knees, Pakistan signed the Simla Pact with India to save itself. After the Simla Agreement, the issue of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) has remained a bilateral i.e. India-Pakistan issue. There is no third party interference in this dispute and there are no other parties. Given that the UN has also come into it, the UN has nothing to do with this dispute.

The Supreme Court of India upheld the Modi government's decision to abrogate Article 370 of the Constitution, which granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir, and also upheld the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories. At the same time, China has shown itself again and angered Ladakh. China says that there will be no change in China's stance on Ladakh due to the Supreme Court of India upholding the division of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories. It is China's attitude that Ladakh is China's territory and this attitude will remain unchanged.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning played the same old worn out record that India has illegally and unilaterally made Ladakh a Union Territory but China has never and will never recognize this so-called Union Territory. China has also sounded the alarm that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute should be resolved through talks between the concerned parties and as per the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

This statement by China is yet another example of its corruption and cowardice. China has not only renewed its claim on Ladakh through its nonsense but has also tried to portray the issue of Jammu and Kashmir as contentious. China maintains a record of claiming Indian territories as its own on the absurd and ridiculous premise that areas including Ladakh were once part of Tibet.

India's stance on both the issues raised by China is very clear. The entire state of Jammu and Kashmir belongs to India and there is no dispute over Jammu and Kashmir. After King Hari Singh annexed his kingdom to India, the entire Jammu and Kashmir became India's.

Ladakh was also a part of Jammu and Kashmir, so Ladakh has also become part of India, so there is no dispute about Jammu and Kashmir or Ladakh. Whatever the dispute is about Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).

PoK is also a territory of India but illegally occupied by Pakistan. India wants Pakistan to withdraw from PoK peacefully but Pakistan is stubbornly stuck in PoK and is not moving. There is no issue except when Pakistan withdraws from Jammu and Kashmir.

China has talked about resolving the Jammu and Kashmir dispute according to the UN resolutions, but the UN is nowhere in the picture in the Kashmir dispute. After Pakistan's crushing defeat in the 1971 war, Pakistan surrendered to India. After India brought Pakistan to its knees, Pakistan signed the Simla Pact with India to save itself. After the Simla Agreement, the issue of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) has remained a bilateral i.e. India-Pakistan issue. There is no third party interference in this dispute and there are no other parties. Given that the UN also came into it, the UN has nothing to do with this dispute.

China puts such cans from time to time because China has a strong influence on Indian territories. Before China came under the control of the Communist Party in 1949, it had no reputation. After the Communists came to power, they first took over all of China. Then he began to encroach on the lands of his neighbours. Due to this, China has quarrels with all its neighbors. Among these, loose neighbors like Tibet surrendered to China and Taiwan survived even by locking horns against China.

China started its campaign to encroach on Indian land in the 1950s. Starting with Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh, then gradually China started claiming the areas of all Indian states near its border. India needed to take an aggressive stance at that time but Jawaharlal Nehru proved lax.

When India was under British rule, areas including Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh were under British India. At that time, the British were very powerful, so China knew that nothing could be taken from them. After the British left, Nehru talked about peace, so China understood that India was not militarily equipped. Taking advantage of it, in the war of 1962, China grabbed a large area of ​​India, which we still have not been able to get back.

Since China's post-Mao Zedong rulers were relatively lax, China put aside its imperialist mindset after the 1970s, but has resumed the same game since Xi Jinping came to power. Xi Jinping is extremely ambitious. Xi Jinping, who has ambitions to become the most powerful ruler in the world, is not only troubling India but also other neighboring countries. China now aspires to occupy not only the land but also the oceans.

India has also become powerful as China has become powerful. In these circumstances, it is not possible for China to invade India's territory like in 1962, but India needs to understand from China's claim that China can never be our friend.

China annexed 4 territories of India, claimed another 6

China claims not only Ladakh or Arunachal Pradesh but also several other regions of India. China has a claim on a total of 10 territories of India. Among these, Sakshagam tract, some area of ​​Demchok sector, Aksai China and some area of ​​Arunachal Pradesh have been grabbed by China.

The Sakshagam tract is an area of ​​5200 square kilometers west of the Karakoram which Pakistan gifted to China in 1963. About 32 thousand square kilometers of Arunachal Pradesh is under the possession of China. China occupied this area in 1962 war. An area of ​​38,000 square kilometers of Aksai China is also occupied by China, while the area north of the Indus River in the Demchok sector is occupied by China. All these areas together, China has occupied an area of ​​about 82 thousand square kilometers.

Apart from this, China also claims Chumar in Ladakh, Kaurik and Tashingag-Shipki La in Himachal Pradesh and Sang-Nelang-Pulam Sumda and Barahoti in Uttarakhand as its own. According to China's claim, these were all areas of Tibet, so China should get them. Arunachal Pradesh is claimed by China as its own.

China started claiming Ladakh from 1958

China's claim to Ladakh is based on completely absurd arguments. Ladakh was once a part of the Tibetan Empire and now Tibet is part of China so China claims that Ladakh is also ours. Interestingly, China did not claim Ladakh as its territory even when it launched its bid to occupy Tibet in the 1950s. Rather, the Chinese map published by the Chinese government in the 1930s showed the Ladakh region as part of British India.

China published a map of China in the government magazine China Pictorial in July 1958 showing Ladakh as part of China. The North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA) was an administrative department in British India. Arunachal Pradesh and some areas of present day Assam were part of NEFA. Conflict between India and China started when China showed Nefa and Ladakh as its territories in its maps.

Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru had declared this map invalid at that time. China, ignoring this objection, raised troops along the border, eventually leading to the war of 1962.


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