The beginning of real winter.

Finally, now the winter season is gradually setting in. It has changed the shape of the night. Our winter experience is very mild and less compared to western countries. However, as soon as winter appears in its original form, sensational cold stories and conversations start in the social life... Today is very cold, isn't it...? Reading the news about the cold in the early morning newspaper may make some readers feel more than cold! Summer is a guest season in western countries, but winter is, and is, and is. It is cold all the time in the countries of Europe and America. It is a golden day for them when the sun rises. Our country is full of variety of seasons.

We have winter there in its full form in North India, but otherwise India experiences mild winters. The foothills of the Himalayas experience constant winters, as the Himalayas are the world's third polar region. Everyone gets at least some solitude in winter. This solitude is largely accompanied by a longing for the company of relatives. When we are small, mother protects us a lot in winter, so when winter comes, mother is not remembered. Frequent vomiting, vomiting. Most childhood memories are drenched by the monsoons, but soon after, memories of winter float to the surface of the mind.

In winter the fire of Virah burns more brightly. There are many types of separation in this world. Even if the parents are alive, the children feel homesick to stay away from them. For those who come to be a widow or a widower in life, the first winter after the death of a relative is very harsh. Even time seems to freeze in the cold. The world should not forget the sufferings of those who have lost their loved ones during the Corona period. In that agony, it is as if the existence is frozen between the icicles. European countries are like greenhouses. He experiences winter as a limiting factor in life. There we have a large number of spring songs, where the spring blooms in the east and lasts relatively long, but in European countries winter songs are rarely heard. There are many shades of Winter Song, but the main tone is melancholy.

All over North India, winter deployment has flourished. The rainy season calls for whispers from all directions. The leaves of the tree-forest are turning golden and anointing the earth. All the high mountains in North India, especially the foothills of the Himalayas, are covered with snow. Nagadhiraj itself is covered with snow. Veils of thick early morning fog cover the atmosphere. Vasundhara is enveloped in a blanket of fog. The eyes do not work even at very close distances. The daily routine of citizens in North India starts around noon and their day is over by late afternoon. The beauty of the night is like a lily of the valley, but few can realize it. Winter has surrounded those who live in high-rise buildings in the metropolis and those who live in the slums alike from all sides. They have winds in all directions.

Even in the villages nestled in the foothills, life has been shattered. This time, winter has come to make a mockery of the Meteorological Department of the Government of India. Still, there is a possibility of rain with hail in Uttarakhand, Bihar and Jharkhand during Jesus New Year. Winters are different in Gujarat. In remote hinterlands, friends-relatives-beloved organize programs of ondhi, oola and rota in farm houses and wadis. A fleet of carts rumbles by outside the farm. Servants keep adjusting the temperature. Alcoholic chemicals are added to the feasts of those who are not of a rich century and have an extra rupee to spare. We have to ask the Gujarat government whether the issue of drug ban in Gujarat is presented in winter or not! Meteorologically, this is the beginning of the second phase of winter. These are tough days for those who have to earn daily and cook daily.


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