Collect more taxes from the rich and give relief to the poor

- IMF advice to bankrupt Pakistan

- Occasional

- MD of the IMF, Kystalina Georgieva

- Unemployment has increased in Pakistan. Many companies have closed factories because they don't have raw material

Pakistan has become economically weak and due to this it is being drawn towards insurgency. Pakistani authorities are making a splash here and there, but no one is ready to hold their hand. Finally a delegation of International Monetary Fund (IMF) also visited Pakistan, but Pakistan did not get any immediate relief from it. He has laid down some strict conditions. He says that Pakistan is ready to accept these conditions and is ready to buy lives for some time. Pakistan seems to be willing to kneel down anywhere to get the urgently needed $1.1 billion. The IMF has asked Pakistan to implement conditions by March 1, the first of which is to tax the rich and protect the poor.

The government of Pakistan is ready to structure the tax in this way, but Pakistani money makers say that you are making mistakes and why should we pay more tax? For Pakistan, the step of higher tax on the moneylenders can prove to be very dangerous. Pakistan's ministers are dumbfounded, because they cannot speak publicly, no one is willing to listen to them. People of Pakistan never tire of praising India's progress.

Comparing India is a far-fetched thing, but the people of Pakistan never get tired of comparing Bangladesh. The journalists of Pakistan, speaking for India, have now praised the work of the Prime Minister of India.

The unfortunate thing about the countries of the world is that no one is telling Pakistan to first stop promoting terrorism, then think of help. Muslim countries are also showing dingo to Pakistan, because Pakistan has spoiled everyone. Just as Pakistan has been pampering terrorism, it has also been pampering corruption. Pakistan's forex (foreign exchange) lasts barely two weeks.

Some big companies in Pakistan have closed factories. They do not have raw material. Raw materials are not available due to lack of foreign exchange. Suzuki Motor Corporation has halted its production and extended the shutdown. Ghandhara Tire Company used to manufacture tires and tubes etc. for automobiles. This company has been closed since February 13, as raw material is not coming from abroad and banks are not giving clearance for some purchases. Similarly, several factories manufacturing fertilisers, steel and textiles have been locked. 3.19 billion foreign exchange with Pakistan is not enough for manufacturers to import raw materials. Due to the closure of the factory, the income of the transporters and laborers associated with it has stopped. Due to this situation, the economic growth rate of Pakistan will be directly affected and unemployment will also increase.

Pakistani authorities no longer have a magic bullet and cannot win the trust of manufacturers. There is a possibility of riots breaking out in Pakistan at any time. Regarding Pakistan, India is making statements with caution. It is surprising that the opposition parties are also saying that the Modi government is not giving any special compensation regarding the bankrupt state of Pakistan. Over the years, Pakistan-backed terrorist organizations have claimed the lives of innocent people in India. The people of India are also looking helplessly at the collapsing Pakistan. The sense of natural justice has been seen becoming strong in everyone's mind. The stalled talks between the two countries may resume when Pakistan's foreign minister comes to Goa. However, India will have an upper hand in this, as Pakistan has teased India by nurturing terrorism. There is no point in shedding tears for Pakistan, because many Indian families have been destroyed due to its mischief.


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